Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Have You Ever Wanted to See Your Favorite Characters Dance? Who Hasn't?

Jesse Lonergan is a comic book writer and artist working straight out of Somerville, Mass. Recently, I interviewed him for a piece I'm working on about local Boston artists, and it went swimmingly. He was super welcoming and even allowed me to conduct the interview from his studio, which no other artist yet had allowed.

During the interview I noticed, from the corner of my eye, a brightly illustrated collection of Spider-Man characters. Because I can't help myself when it comes to Spidey, I asked him if I could take a look. He kind of chuckled and grabbed the poster they were drawn on. "They are for my blog, Dancer a Day," he said and he floated it in front of my eyes.

What I saw, without exaggeration, was glorious. It was Spider-man, Hobgoblin, Doctor Octopus, and various other Spidey characters all drawn-- DANCING. Yes, dancing. Gettin' their groove on. Cuttin' a rug. It was too much for my weak constitution to handle. In fear of nerding out all over him I politely thanked him for showing me and tried with desperation to shield my eyes from its greatness.

When I arrived back home, after what I must say was a very successful interview, I was struck down by the realization that he said it was for his blog. TO THE INTERNET!

To say the least, Mr. Lonergan's tumblr is quite a sight to see. It is pages and pages of your favorite fictional characters bringing the funk it. Plus, they are all captioned so perfectly that I could just die on the floor in pure glee. Jesse, are you reading my diary. This is exactly what I wished for.

So, if you can't tell, I think this blog is great. You should check it out here. Also, you should check out some of Lonergan's other work like Flowers & Fade and Joe & Azat. Plus, if you live in Boston and like comics, you should be picking up local artists anyway. You can use Amazon, but I suggest tracking down copies at local shops.

So if I still haven't persuaded you to check it out, here are some of my faves...

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Ultimate "Charlie's Angels" Drinking Game!!!

In preparation for the third semi-annual "Charlie's Angels Movie Viewing Night of Merriment", I have compiled the ultimate list of rules for any good Charlie's Angels viewing party. Some of these were pulled from other noble soldiers who dared drink to this game, and some are my own, but all must be followed. We need to give these Angels the proper respect, now don't we.

So drink merrily, and be forever kick-ass.

Drink a Sip Every Time...
-The Angels change costume.
-The camera goes into "bullet time" or speeds up
-The Angels are naked
-There is a lesbian subtext
-Something happens that is really just technological nonsense, or the Angels know random science facts.
-The Angels utilize their "sex appeal."
-The Angels are in disguise
-Natalie dances
-Natalie and Pete flirt
-Charlie's voice is heard
-Anytime the “Creepy thin man” shows up.
-Anytime Alex is bad at cooking and/or is awkward. 
-All three Angels are sitting on the same couch.

Take a Shot Ever Time...
-The "real" bad guy is revealed.


Good luck Angels...